Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Is hypnosis and effective method to Improve Health Essay Example For Students

Is hypnosis and effective method to Improve Health Essay ?Is Hypnosis an Effective Method to Improve Health?Many high schools have hypnotists come to their school to entertain the students. Once a hypnotist came to the Fletcher High School gymnasium and hypnotized about a half dozen people. He convinced these six people into believing they were five years old watching their favorite cartoon. Their mannerisms were shocking. They truly believed they were five-years-old, throwing a fit when the hypnotist told them their mother just turned off the cartoons. Knowing that it is very hard to remember back to when a person is five-years-old, it was amazing that the power of hypnosis made them remember so easily. It seemed as if the hypnotist could make them remember anything. Just before the students woke from their hypnosis, the hypnotists told them they would be fully rested and feel extremely good about his or herself. Afterwards, they remarked on how rested they felt. A hypnotist can make people feel completely rested while being under hypnosi s, and make people believe things that are not true. Why stop there though? If something hurts, then tell the hypnotherapist to suggest under hypnosis that the pain is gone and does not bother them anymore and the person will feel better. If someone has a stuttering problem, then they can visit a hypnotherapist and he should be able to straighten up their speech so they can speak more clearly. Likewise, a persons self-confidence could be uplifted and they Stayton 2could begin to believe in his or herself. Some people could even be anesthetized for surgery using hypnosis. Many people are hypnotized for entertainment purposes, so maybe it should also be used to help people with problems that are hard to resolve. Hypnosis can be used to relieve pain, conquer almost any fear, eliminate the use unnecessary prescription medicines, and help a person to overcome alcoholism and to overcome drug addictions. Also, upon finding support from a hypnotherapist, many have been able to quit addictiv e habits such as smoking. Conquering phobias is a specialty of hypnotherapists. A phobia is a compulsive fear of a specified situation or object (Knight 2). A few types of phobias are fear of open spaces, fear of snow, fear of the cold, fear of marriage, fear of insanity, fear of being alone, fear of darkness, fear of disease, fear of beards, fear of birds, fear of being stared at, fear of being buried alive, fear of the unknown, fear of animals, and there are also many other fears that ruin peoples lives or pursuit of happiness (Knight 2). People find that it is easier to turn away from the thing they are afraid of, or simply run from the fear avoiding the feared object as much as possible. When the phobia is avoidable, there is not a strong need for medical attention, but when the phobia interferes with the persons quality of life, a hypnotherapist may be needed (Knight 2-3). Hypnotherapists claim to be able to get rid of numerous unnecessary prescription medicines. Dr. Thomas Nicoli states that many rely on pharmaceuticals as a crutch that they may not need. Nicoli supports his thinking by saying, If you break or badly injure your leg, you need crutches. Of course. But, would you expect to need those crutches for a very long time? How about the rest of your life? Of course not. Well, thats how I began looking at Stayton 3pills. As a continual internal crutch (Nicoli 1). In order to alleviate the need for this internal crutch, the root of the problem must be found and the problem worked out from the there. Some people may not even remember the initial incident or cause of their discomfort. Their feelings may be so repressed in their subconscious that they do not remember the root of their problem. Hypnosis may be the only way a person could find these lost emotions or actions (Nicoli 2). Can Environmental Protection and Free Trade Coexis EssayThe psyche rarely appears in dermatoses as a sole cause, but mental states and conflicts can be converted into skin disorders just as they can be converted into hysteria or phobias. The skin acts not only as a protective and defensive agent for the body, but also occasionally for the mind. The availability and erogenicity of the skin renders it vulnerable to patients with exhibitionistic, masochistic, paranoid, obsessional, compulsive, or abnormal sexual tendencies (Schneck 123). Whatever happens in the mind is reflected in the body, and any alteration in the latter has repercussions in the former (qtd. in Schneck 124). These skin disorders caused by mental breakdowns or stress can be avoided or treated by just visiting hypnotherapists. In some instances, hypnotherapy can be used to help a problem in a pregnancy that may take the mothers life while she is delivering the baby. Hypnosis can rarely be life saving, but Stayton 6will often be beneficial to the childbearing female (qtd. in Schneck 145). Hypnotherapy, along with dietary supplements, can be most helpful to losing weight quicker and less expensive (qtd. in Schneck 146). Many other diseases in dermatology, gynecology, obstetrics, surgery, psychiatry, and other diseases that are caused from different brain activities can also be helped and treated with hypnotherapy. It is remarkable that the high school students could remember most of the emotions they felt at the age of five. Is it not possible then to turn someones mind into a machine capable of remembering virtually everything? This is definitely something that could be used for school purposes. Imagine going to class and being able to remember and understand every word. Maybe the person would even be able to recite every syllable the instructor spoke during the entire hour of class. Maybe some day someone could be hypnotized and given information and just take every bit of it into their memory. Instead Stayton 7of going to school for years and years information could just be programmed into a person like in the Matrix where Keanu Reeves could learn anything he wanted to learn in only a few seconds. But learning and remembering is only one aspect of hypnosis. If a hypnotist can make someone remember something so far back and make that person reenact those memories, hypnosis could be a powerful tool regarding many health problems caused by brain activities.There is so much more that has yet to be discovered. Estabrooks, George H., Hypnotism. New York: E.P. Dutton Co. Inc., 1957. Hypnosis and Smoking: The Mighty Power of Suggestion. Smoking Cessation. N. pag. Online. Internet. 13 Apr. 2000. Available WWW: Kirsch, Irving, Antonio Capafons, Etzel Cardea-Buelna, Salvador Amig. Clinical Hypnosis and Self-Regulation. Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1999. Knight, Bryan. You Can Conquer Your Phobia. Hypnogenesis. N. pag. Online. Internet. 13 Apr. 2000. Available WWW: Nicoli, Thomas. Pain and Physical Disorder Relief Through Hypnosis. Hypnogenesis. N. pag. Online. Internet. 13 Apr. 2000. Available WWW:, Jerome M. Hypnosis in Modern Medicine. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, 1953. Wolff, Michael. Personal Interview. 28 Apr. 2000. Words/ Pages : 1,950 / 24

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